Nature Scientific Journals Held Training Workshops at Zayed University
19 May 2019
The Office of Research at Zayed University has recently hosted specialized training workshops, conducted by editors from Nature, one of the two most-cited and most highly-respected international scientific journals.
The Assistant Provost for Research at Zayed University, Dr. Michael Allen, said that such an experience elevates faculty career growth by increasing their chances of getting published in high-impact journals.
Moreover, he mentioned that an invitation was extended to faculty of universities in the UAE and to a few GCC universities in order to create an opportunity for researchers to meet and explore future collaboration. "The event hosted over 218 faculty members from ZU, and other universities such as UAE University, Abu Dhabi University, American University of Sharjah, University of Sharjah, New York University Abu Dhabi as well as researchers from ENWWF and SEHA," he said.
Dr. Allen added, "Zayed University is privileged to host experienced editors from such a prestigious scientific journal to share their insights about what is expected by editors of top journals. We are grateful that strong researchers from throughout the country joined us to learn from presenters with such strong scientific qualifications and academic experience.”
Dr. Jeffrey Robens, Editorial Development Manager at Nature Research, presented the one day 'Nature Research Academy' in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, focusing on effective academic writing across a variety of disciplines.
The two-day Nature Masterclass, an advanced workshop for active science researchers, was presented by Stephane Larochelle, Senior Editor, and Team Manager - Nature Communications, and Luíseach Nic Eoin, Senior Editor - Nature Ecology and Evolution.
The editors guided the researchers on how to improve their manuscript quality and maximize their impact worldwide. Drawing on their extensive research and publication background, they were well positioned to help researchers understand how to increase their chances of publication success and influence in the field.