Student Career Counseling

Student Careers and Alumni Department provides career information, support, guidance and career counselling to students and fresh graduates in the following areas:

  • Choosing a major
  • Deciding on a particular career direction
  • Provide careers related information
  • Raising awareness of voluntary opportunities
  • Preparing for the job market
  • Assist in finding jobs during and after your studies with Zayed University

One-to-One Career Counseling

Personalized assistance in developing individual career plans. Career Counsellors offer a confidential, impartial professional service to all students. Students can benefit from speaking to a professionally qualified and experienced Career Counsellors when deciding on which course of study and major to follow, as well as which considering the future career paths and job opportunities that are available in their chosen field. Career counsellors support students in understanding how to effectively market themselves through their CV, provide assistance with covering letters, job search strategies, dealing with presentations, assessment centers, and interviews as well as any other career-related enquiries.

  • To book an appointment with the career counselor click here. The service confirmation will be provided within one working day.

Career Resource Center, Careers Lounge

Students are encouraged to visit the Career Resource Centers/Career Lounge to access information, research career options or to talk to a member of the careers team. Students need time to identify skills, values, interests and understand which career fields match their personality type by utilizing a range of career assessments.  Resources include:

  • A personality assessment based on Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI).
  • Reference materials on a range of professions and careers that suit students and alumni.
  • Labor Market and occupational information on current and future opportunities
  • Information on graduate studies, scholarships and corporate graduate training programs

Career Development Programs and Workshops

During each semester, Student Careers and Alumni Department delivers interactive workshops covering a range of topics: career decision-making, job search strategies, CV writing, networking, workplace expectations & ethics, job interviews skills, managing assessment centers and strategies for dealing with nerves at interview. Open workshops are delivered throughout the year as well as tailored workshops to meet the needs of specific student groups.

The following employability program give opportunities to build essential career management skills and foster a greater understanding of the skills, knowledge and competencies required for the modern workplace.

Final Year: Edaad

Before beginning internships, students participate in a series of workshops that prepare them for their internship experience, as well as their careers upon graduation. The table below highlights the areas covered in the Edaad program. The aim of the program is to ensure students make an educated internship placement decision and are equipped with the skills needed to succeed once they enter their internship, as well as equip them with the tools needed to secure a permanent job upon graduation.

Theme Topics covered Outcome

CV Development

  1. Development of a CV

To develop a powerful CV that highlights the student achievements

Job Search Process

  1. Identify strategies to look for employment
  2. Develop an action plan by listing companies to target
  3. Learn about LinkedIn and using social media
  1. List target companies with website and contacts.
  2. Learn strategies to successfully apply for opportunities

Communication /Interview Skills

  1. Understand the power of communication skills
  2. Recognize the importance of preparing for the interview
  3. Ensure students know how to utilize their vocal tones and body language to distinguish themselves
  1. Ensure student understanding of the importance of communications skills
  2. Equip students with interview strategies.

Job Maintenance-Work Ethics

  1. Identify the skills needed to succeed at the workplace
  2. Ensure students understand work ethics
  3. Prepare students for relationships at the workplace with supervisor, colleagues and customers

Reflect upon work ethics required to succeed in the workplace.

Mock Interview

(By appointment with counselor)

Students sit a mock interview for organization and job of their choice. Essay about the organization as well as a job description will be brought to the interview to assess readiness.

Assess interview readiness

Sign Language