1. Understanding IL 2. Search Techniques 3. Finding Books 4. Finding Articles 5. Searching the Web 6. Evaluating Information 7. Using Information 8. Workshops
Every university library has a web site Get to know more about the library's collections and services from using the library web site. Use the library web site to find: The library catalog and ebooks Article databases and full text online articles Subject guides prepared by librarians on specific subjects The InfOasis information literacy course Internet search engines and search portals for access to higher quality web sites Exercise 1.2 - Library Web Site Tour Practice using the ZU Library Web site to find each of the online resources or services listed above.
Get to know more about the library's collections and services from using the library web site. Use the library web site to find:
The library catalog and ebooks Article databases and full text online articles Subject guides prepared by librarians on specific subjects The InfOasis information literacy course Internet search engines and search portals for access to higher quality web sites
Exercise 1.2 - Library Web Site Tour
Practice using the ZU Library Web site to find each of the online resources or services listed above.