Module 1 - Understanding Information Literacy
Lesson 7c - Topic Selection : Brainstorm for Ideas continued

Topic brainstorming continued...

Look at some of the following web sites for ideas

Are you interested in health or medicine? arrow

Look in or Medline Plus

Are you interested in the Humanities;
art, literature, music?

Look through some of the web sites from the

Voice of the Shuttle

For many other subject areas



Try Hot Paper Topics from St. Ambrose University.  You'll find a list of potential research topics, plus web sites, that you can develop into a more focused research question. 

Try the Topic Browse in Sirs Knowledge Source (from the Library's article databases)

Write down any words or phrases that may be of interest to you.
Could any of these be the basis for a more focused topic?

Make sure your topic is unique. You should never use a topic you know is being used
by another student, or a topic you have used before.
Be aware of overused topic ideas

You may wish to avoid topics that have been used too often by too many students,
unless you have a new and unique approach.

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