Module 1 - Understanding Information Literacy
Lesson 7f - Focusing In on a Topic continued

Focusing your topic continued...

Remember that a topic may be more difficult to research if it is too:

local - Topics this specific may only be covered in local newspapers, if at all!

Example: What sources of pollution affect the Abu Dhabi water supply?

recent  - Be aware if a topic is very recent, books and journal articles will not be available, but newspaper and magazine articles will. Web sites may or may not be available.

Example: What are Sheikh Khalifa's latest concerns about the environment? 

broad - You could be overwhelmed with information.

Example: How can the environment contribute to the culture, politics and society of the Arab world? 

popular - You will only find very popular articles about some topics, including sports figures, rock music and rap stars.

Example: How has Omar Sharif influenced current Arab cinema?

If you have any questions about the focus of your topic, you should:

  • discuss your topic with another student
  • discuss your topic with your instructor and/or a librarian

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