Module 1 - Understanding Information Literacy
Lesson 1e - Information Literacy is Critical Thinking

Did you know that...


Information Literacy is
Critical Thinking?


What's critical thinking??

Critical thinking is that little voice in your head that urges you to question everything! 

Analyze, evaluate, look below the surface... don't believe everything you read... ask questions!

Where Information Literacy is concerned, critical thinking is necessary in order to:

Analyse the kind and amount of information needed for any small or large research effort.

Determine an appropriate research topic.

Brainstorm for keywords.

Choose appropriate research tools such as a catalog, databases and search engines.

Identify and understand the different information formats on the Web.

Critically evaluate information found for authority, objectivity and usefulness.

Value and practice academic integrity (not plagiarize).

Accurately cite and document research resources.

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