Module #2 - Finding Information
Lesson 3a - Search Techniques - Boolean exercise answers

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Section 2 This section contains both words, education and success
Sections 1, 2, and 3 Since OR asks the computer to find one word, or the other, or both, then it will find articles in all three sections in this case.
Section 1 Section 1 is the only section that completely excludes the term power
4 Section 4 AND asks the computer to find all the words connected by AND, and section 4 is the only section where all three words can be found
5 Sections 4, 5, and 6 Let's look at the first part of the Boolean search first.  girls OR women is asking the computer first to find all the articles that contain either girls, or women, or both.   If you look at the diagram, you will see that these words would appear in all of sections 1 to 6.  However, the second part, AND media is asking the computer to find articles where the word media also occurs.  The final result is therefore sections 4-6. 
6 Section 5 In this case, the first part of the search,  education NOT primary, finds articles in sections 1 and 5.  The second part of the Boolean search adds AND globalization.  This means that we are left with only section 5 since it is the only section that does not include primary, but does include both education and globalization. 

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