Module 2 -  Search Techniques
Lesson 6 - Phrase searching

Phrase Searching

The final search technique you will need to understand is phrase searching

Use quotation marks ( "  " ) around phrases that you want to keep together. 

For example, when searching for the phrase learning disabilities, you should type ...

"learning disabilities"

...if you want the computer to find these two words together, side by side. 

If you do not use quotation marks, the computer is likely to put an AND in between the words and possibly find the words separately, which is not as useful. 

An important example when searching for information about this region is "United Arab Emirates".  Here are some other examples of using quotation marks around phrases:

"Sheikh Zayed" (names)

"United Kingdom"  (countries)

"home schooling"  (ideas that are described by more than one word)

"The Time Machine"  (titles of books or articles or films)

"any phrase that you want to find in an electronic source and this is a very useful method for your teachers to use if they suspect that you might have plagiarized!" (detective work!)


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