Exercise 2.6 - More practice with search strings
1. Why are search strings useful? That is, why not just search one keyword at a time?
2. Put together two search strings for each of the following research questions. Notice that we have given you the brainstormed keywords already, including variations on some of the words. Simply choose the keywords you think would be helpful in a search string and apply whatever other search techniques (parentheses, truncation or phrase searching) are appropriate.
a. Does television makes children more aggressive?
Brainstormed keywords:
television, TV, movies, cartoons, media, programs
children, kids, pre-schoolers, teenagers, adolescents, schools
aggressive, aggression, violence, violent, fighting, fights
b. Does home schooling cause children to be anti-social?
Brainstormed keywords:
home schooling, home schools, home schooled, school system, public schools
anti-social, socialization, friends, peers, isolation, isolated
c. Should euthanasia be legalized as a humane way to end the suffering of
terminally ill patients?
Brainstormed keywords:
euthanasia, mercy killing, assisted suicide, physician assisted suicide
terminal illness, terminally ill patients, pain, suffer, suffering
legalized, legal, illegal, criminal offence, acceptable, humane, choice, murder, pros and cons, wrong
d. Is spanking is a good way to discipline children?
Brainstormed keywords:
spanking, spank, corporal punishment
discipline, disciplining, benefits, positive, negative, advantages, disadvantages, effects, effective
children, child, kids, young children, school children, schools, school