1. Understanding IL 2. Search Techniques 3. Finding Books 4. Finding Articles 5. Searching the Web 6. Evaluating Information 7. Using Information 8. Workshops
How to Brainstorm Step #1 - Identify the main ideas/keywords in your research question What are the main ideas in my research question: "What are the benefits of putting children into child care in the UAE?" Step #2 - Write down all the words that come to your mind that relate to these three main ideas Try to identify synonyms, words that are broader (more general), narrower (more specific), and terms that are related to the main keywords. Can you think of any synonyms? Narrower terms? How about broader terms? And finally, related terms... Great job! Now we have a good list of brainstormed terms that we can use when we are searching. Want to see some more examples?
How to Brainstorm
What are the main ideas in my research question: "What are the benefits of putting children into child care in the UAE?"
Try to identify synonyms, words that are broader (more general), narrower (more specific), and terms that are related to the main keywords.
Great job! Now we have a good list of brainstormed terms that we can use when we are searching.
Want to see some more examples?