Module 5 - Searching the Web
Lesson 5a : Alternative Search Engines

Alternatives to Google

There are alternatives to Google as a Search Engine although it remains the most popular. Different Search Engines are good for different types of information.

It is wise to try different Search Engines if you can't find what you need. Remember that no ONE Search Engine cover the whole of the Internet!

Other quality large Search Engines include:

Yahoo! is a huge resource (3 billion+) which emphasises relevancy ranking (word proximity and placement) rather than popularity ranking. 

Yahoo supports all Boolean logic, and has many other tools and services.



Yippy queries several top search engines, combines the results, and generates an ordered list based on comparative ranking.

Instead of delivering millions of search results in one long list, our search engine groups similar results together into “clouds.” This helps you see your results by topic.

Yippy search engine


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