Module 5 - Searching the Web
Lesson 1a- Using Web sites for Research

The Internet is a fantastic research tool.

                                        We all use it every day...

... but who uses the Internet well?

The Internet has only been widely used since about 1995 with the availability of the

'World Wide Web' (software), but its use has been increasing rapidly ever since:

Fast facts ...  

  • By 1998 1.5 million Web pages born daily
  • By 2001 there were over 500 million users of the Internet
  • In 2003 Google performed 250 million searches per day!
  • In 2005 Google claims to search over 8 million pages of the Internet. 
  • In 2008 just over 1 billion people were using the Intenet.
  • In December 2009 a survey from Netcraft ( a company who provide Internet research data) had responses from 233,848,493 sites.
  • According to data from Nielsen, by June 2010 almost 2 billion people were using the Internet  

BUT ... the Internet is completely uncontrolled.  Anyone can publish anything, letting you

find ... well, almost ANYTHING at all!

The Internet is also completely DISORGANIZED - just like a filing cabinet up-ended into a heap on the floor.

There is no structure, no catalog, no comprehensive index, no guide to what information might be there.

Understand the Internet better, and you will

search more successfully for useful information every time!

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