Module 6 - Evaluating information
Lesson 1b - Answers

Is the information on either of these two Web sites credible

and reliable?  NO!


This Web site discusses the problems of growing velcro currently experienced in California.  Velcro, however, is a completely synthetic product which is manufactured.  It does not grow anywhere!

The use of graphs and statistics on this Web page, as well as scientific sounding words such as flaccidity virus and millipedus minisculus, could lead you to believe that this is credible information.

If you did not know what velcro was, clicking on the author's name, Ken Umbach, tells you that the information and author are totally bogus!

A Sasquatch is also a fictitious creature, and the 'Republic of Cascadia' does not exist.  Close reading of the text reveals many other difficult to believe things that will end up making you laugh - like 'endangered tree octopus' or the 'Yeti immigration office' or 'funding for internet kiosks in forests'!!


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