Module 7 - Using Information
Lesson 3 - Documenting information sources

Documenting Information Sources

Most research is not original, depending on your level and field of study.

  • Sometimes a researcher will do an experiment. She will report it in a journal article. Even if the experiment is completely new, it will be based on earlier knowledge from others.
  • More often research is a summary of information. This information is gathered from many resources.
  • As you continue in your academic career, you will choose a major. You will learn much more about specific types of information relating to your career.

Researchers MUST document their work to let others know where their information was found.

  • Citing is the process researchers use to document information used in research.
  • Citing provides complete and accurate references or bibliographic citations to the information found and used to create a research paper, project, presentation or other information product.
resources There are many important reasons for documenting your research project or research papers.
  • To avoid plagiarism, a failing grade, or even a lawsuit.
  • To find the information cited again, if you or others need it or in order to do additional research.
  • To give credit to the author when using their work or ideas.

To document sources -- in other words, create citations -- you must use a specific citation style. Most university teachers want students to use APA or MLA, although there are many other citation styles.

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