Module 8 - Subject Resources
Business Resources - Company & Industry information
Information in this Research Guide includes the following topics:
Company image



Identifying companies to research

Finding detailed Company Information

Company News Resources

Identifying companies - in the UAE

AME Info - Middle East Business Resource : Company and Stock Market information, Business News


UAE Online Yellow Pages - click on the BUSINESS tab at the top - choose sector you're interested in to see companies

in that sector.


UAE Pages - this is a subject directory that allows you to choose a location (e.g. UAE city) or sector and to see

the companies in that sector.


The Emirates Network - this is also a subject directory.  Click on 'companies' or click on a type of business to see

companies in that category.


Gulf Jobs Site - this is a job-hunting site, but as a result for your search, it lists companies in the UAE who are seeking employees. 

It could be a good place to start to find company names.


Use GOOGLE searches to find company and annual report information:

  • type in "UAE companies"
  • type in the name of your company and "annual report"

OR .... most companies also maintain their own web sites, useful for financial information, products and services of the company.  Try the most common form of the internet address e.g.:, or if unsuccessful add the country code if outside the US e.g.: or


Books are also available to browse through via the library CATALOG, such as:

  • The top companies in Dubai 1998.  HG4057.D83.A34
Identifying companies - around the World

Books are available to browse through via the library CATALOG, such as:

  • Hoover's handbook of world business 2003.  HG4009.H66
  • Hoover's handbook of American business 2000.  HD2709.H66
  • International directory of company histories 2004.  HD2721.163

Annual report information can be useful both to identify businesses by searching by INDUSTRY, or for finding more detailed information about a business or company that you have chosen.  Many of these annual report services do not include good coverage of the UAE or the Middle East:

  • Annual Report Gallery

    Free provider of online US annual reports which can be searched by company name, ticker, exchange, industry

or sector.  Many reports are in PDF format.

  • Annual Report Service

    A US directory of online annual reports available via the web, though it requires free registration.  Search by ticker, industry, US state or company name.
  • CAROL- Company Annual Reports Online

    For reports from Europe, Asia, and the US.  Requires free registration.


Most companies also maintain their own web sites, useful for financial information, products and services of the company.  Try the most common form of the internet address e.g.:, or if unsuccessful add the country code if outside the US e.g.: or .


Finding detailed Company Information

A good start for companies anywhere is Annual Report information, as above. 

Look at the international Annual Report Web sites listed above, as well as searching on the Internet for the common form of the

business address (e.g.,  or the business name with the words "annual report" (e.g. Emirates Bank

AND "annual report") .

Companies that are listed on the stock exchange are required to provide public information through that exchange.  Look at:

London Stock Exchange
Mumbai Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange
Tokyo Stock Exchange
Dubai Financial Market

Dubai International Financial Exchange

Abu Dhabi Securities Market

(unavailable from campus)

Annual report information, especially for international companies, can also be found on an excellent library database:

Lexis-Nexis database

Select the Business option from the left hand menu, then choose SEC Filings and Reports.  Search by company name,

SIC, or ticker symbol.

Use library Databases for reliable and often comprehensive information about a particular company:

Hoover's Online via Lexis-Nexis

A good place to start.  To access Hoovers on the Lexis-Nexis database, select the Business option from the

left hand menu, then choose Company Profiles.  From the search screen, choose Hoover Company Reports from the

drop-down source menu.

Brief company information via Lexis-Nexis

Brief company information is also available from the Company Information section at the bottom of the page on the

Lexis-Nexis database.  Unfortunately you cannot specify a country (other than international), giving you a large return

on common company names outside of the US.

Company profiles

Use the Company Profiles tab in the Business Source Complete database for a report on that company that

includes a company overview, key facts, business description, company history, key employees,

major products and services, top competitors, company view, and locations and subsidiaries.

Company profiles

ABI/Inform Global have extensive company profile information which can be accessed through the Proquest 5000 database. 

From the Proquest home page, select from the Databases drop-down box and select Business-ABI/INFORM Global. 

Your search for company information can be refined by location, competition, corporate profiles,

and international finance, among many options.

Bank Company information

Bankscope is a Database concentrating on information about banks and banking.  Search for the bank that you

would like information about, and then click onto the bank name to pull up detailed information.


Company News

Use library Databases for reliable and often comprehensive information about company news:


From the Lexis-Nexis database select the Business option from the left hand menu, then choose news options of

Business News or Industry and Market News.  Search by company name for fulltext articles from

thousands of journals and newspapers.

ABI/Inform Global

The ABI/Inform database is available via Proquest 5000, and articles on companies since 1971 are searchable. 

Use the Browse Topics button to assist in your identification of the correct company name. 

Many of the articles are fulltext and may be emailed to your account.

EIU Viewswire

EIU Viewswire (Economist Intelligence Unit) is a comprehensive and up-to-date news source on economic,

political, and business developments from countries around the world.  Daily business intelligence service

from the Economic Intelligence Unit provides analysis on economic, political, business developments from 195

countries around the world.

Regional Business News

The Regional Business News database concentrates on regional business news, though unfortunately it covers

mainly USA news.  Coverage of the UAE or the Middle East appears to be made only when related to

US business news.

Internet resources for Company news

Dubai International Financial Exchange

DIFX Includes reasonably up-to-date news information from the UAE in the 'Market News' and 'Press Centre' areas on

the right hand side of the home page.


Bloomberg has international financial news coverage (financial news, world news and market news)

AME Info

AME Info - Middle East Business Resource : Company and Stock Market information, Business News (news updates by

industry sector from the left of the screen; Current news and articles on the right hand side)


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