1. Understanding IL 2. Search Techniques 3. Finding Books 4. Finding Articles 5. Searching the Web 6. Evaluating Information 7. Using Information 8. Workshops
Knowing what type of information you need will help you decide where to start.. Do you want books? - use books for background information and detailed information on education, educators, education theories, etc To Find Books - start with the library online catalog Or Articles? - use articles for current information and specific information on on education. To Find Articles - start with the article databases Or Web sites? - use web sites to find images and many other resources on education To find Web sites - start with a search engine or portal
Knowing what type of information you need will help you decide where to start..
Do you want books?
- use books for background information and detailed information on education, educators, education theories, etc
To Find Books - start with the library online catalog
Or Articles?
- use articles for current information and specific information on on education.
To Find Articles - start with the article databases
Or Web sites?
- use web sites to find images and many other resources on education
To find Web sites - start with a search engine or portal