Module 8 - Subject Resources
Information Technology Resources - 4 - Using References Tools

What Are Reference Tools? Reference tools are:

  • printed books and online databases
  • items you "refer" to quickly for background information, including:
    • encyclopedias
    • dictionaries
    • statistics
    • definitions or facts

Examples of Reference Tools for Information Technology

Reference Books Reference Databases

Biographical dictionary of the history of technology - the call number (location) is: T39.B49 1996 

Dictionary of computer science, engineering, and technology- the call number
(location) is
: QA76.15.D5258 2001 


A Dictionary of information technology and computer science - the call number
(location) is:
T58.5.G84 1993

An Encyclopaedia of the history of technology

- the call number (location) is:T15 .E53 1990eb

The Facts On File encyclopedia of science, technology, and society - the call number
(location) is:
Q121 .V65 1999

Social issues in science and technology : an encyclopedia - the call number (location) is: Q175.5 .N49 1999

Browse the Q and T shelves to find more!

Academic Search Premier   

Most academic subjects are included: social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies.

ACM Digital Library

Computer Science Bibliographic collection from major publishers in computing with over 750,000 entries.

EIU Viewswire provides daily business intelligence service provides analysis on economic, political, business developments worldwide.

Proquest 5000 

All subjects are included in this easy-to-use database.  Selected full text includes Business, Education, Psychology, Academic Research, Careers, Computing, Science and General Reference.


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