Finding information on
Information Technology in the UAE |
Some areas of Information Technology in the UAE are difficult to find up-to-date or public information
about, for example some statistical, or planning information. Some information is also
only available in one language.
Use the following keywords when searching in the Library Catalog and in article databases: |
- ‘information technology’ (IT),computers,‘computer programs’, ‘computer programming’,’ computer systems’, hardware and software, ’information systems’, ‘information systems design’, ‘software engineering’, ‘systems reengineering’, databases and ‘database systems’, ‘data analysis’, management, ‘management information systems’,‘project management’, ‘business process’, ‘business structure’, ‘Web development’, ‘Web services’,‘information retrieval’, ‘communication networks’, Internet, ‘Internet business’, ‘electronic commerce’, e-commerce.
- "United Arab Emirates" or UAE or Emirates. Depending on the subject, you might need to use broader terms such as "Middle East" or Gulf.
- search for specific dates or date ranges wherever possible
Start with these article databases. For Information Technology databases, check the 'Research Guide' in the ZU Library Web site specific to that database to help you to get good search results: |
Academic Search Premier
Most academic subjects are included: social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies. |
ACM Digital Library
Computer Science Bibliographic collection from major publishers in computing with over 750,000 entries. |
EIU Viewswire provides daily business intelligence service provides analysis on economic, political, business developments worldwide. |
Proquest 5000
All subjects are included in this easy-to-use database. Selected full text includes Business, Education, Psychology, Academic Research, Careers, Computing, Science and General Reference. |
For statistical information relating to the UAE, start with the following links from the ZU Library Web site ' Statistical Information'. |