Brainstorm for the best keywords for your art & design research topic or idea
Use keywords or use subject terms found in library catalogs and databases. It is very helpful, for art and design students, to search by:

- artist's name: For example; Pablo Picasso, Rembrandt, etc.
- artistic style: impressionism, gothic, etc.
- time period: art, modern--20th century or art, baroque--Italy, etc.
- artistic medium: painting, sculpture, drawing, etc.
- nationality/culture: emirates, UAE, arab*, middle east, gulf, art, buddhist; art, german; painting, american, etc.
- genre: landscape painting, portrait painting, etc.
- movement: impressionism, expressionism, futurism, surrealism, etc.
- critical theory: modernism, feminism, marxism, etc
- career focus: commercial art, graphic art, gallery owner, advertising, etc.
Use standard search techniques (remember Module 2?) to use keywords effectively in catalogs, databases and search engines:
- boolean logic: islamic and ceramics will search for items containing both words
- truncation: paint* will search for painter, painters, painting, painted and paints
- phrase searching: "portrait painter" will search for the words next to each other, as a phrase