Module #8 - Subject Resources
Communication and Media

Finding Information on Communication and Media in the UAE

There is still much to be written about Comm and Media in the UAE!

  • ZU students can create written work about comm & media in the UAE in the future
  • Look at some tips below for finding limited information on comm & media in the UAE:

Use the following Keywords: These will help you find information in the library catalog and in article databases on communication and media professionals, professions and topics in the UAE:

  • Keywords related to location:
    • Emirates or United Arab Emirates or UAE
    • Dubai might work, but Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or Al Ain may be too narrow
    • You may need to use even broader terms such as Arab or Middle East or Gulf
  • Keywords related to topic (the relevance of these will of course vary, depending on your subject):
    • journalism, broadcasting, media, cinema, film, director, producer
    • women, female, gender

Start with these databases:  

    United Arab Emirates (as a "geographic term") and (media or journalism or broadcasting or film or cinema) (as general keywords)

    United Arab Emirates (as a "location") and (media or journalism or broadcasting or film or cinema) (as general keywords)

    United Arab Emirates (as a "geographic term ") and (media or journalism or broadcasting or film or cinema) (as general keywords)

    United Arab Emirates and (media or journalism or broadcasting or film or cinema) (all as general keywords)

      • This database has the full text of Gulf News and Khaleej Times

The ZU Library has put together an extensive list of sites giving information on media, journalism and cinema in the UAE.  Click on the link below and browse the list of sites provided to find those that deal specifically with the UAE:

Tip: Sometimes it will be very difficult to find information on Communication and Media and the UAE. Contact a Librarian anytime you need help with your research

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