Critically Evaluate Communication and Media Information |
Use the following criteria: A quick review of Module 6 ...
- Relevance, usefulness: Is the information closely related to your topic?
- Authority: Who wrote it it? What are the author's qualifications?
- Credibility: Is the information cited? Is it free of spelling, grammer, typographical errors?
- Bias: What is the purpose of the writing? Does the author have an agenda or point of view?
- Currency: How up to date is the information? Is this important?
- Images: How well are the images presented? Are they good quality?
- Other factors: How easy is the information to use or access?
Cite Communication and Media Information Sources Accurately |
Follow these steps to document your research
- Save printouts and take careful notes in order to have all the information you will need to cite your sources
- Communication and Media students usually use APA style to cite sources for a bibliography
- Avoid plagiarism by citing your sources