Module 8 -  Subject Resources
Health - 2 - Search Terms and Techniques

Brainstorm for the best keywords for your health research topic or idea

Use keywords or use subject terms found in library catalogs and databases. It is very helpful, for art and design students, to search by:

  • Health Issues:
    • diet, exercise, nutrition, diseases, treatment, diagnosis, environmental issues, etc.
  • Population Groups:
    • Gender: women, men
    • Age: infant, child or children, teens or adolescents, middle aged, adult, aged or seniors or geriatirc
    • Humans or Animals

Use standard search techniques (remember Module 2?) to use keywords effectively in catalogs, databases and search engines:

  • boolean logic: women AND cancer will search for items containing both words
  • truncation: wom*n will search for women or woman, diabet* will search for diabetes or diabetic
  • phrase searching: "human genomewill search for the words next to each other, as a phrase

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