About Us


About Us

The Deanship of Graduate Studies (DGS) is an administrative unit that is responsible for graduate education university-wide.  It provides advocacy, planning and support for graduate studies and works collaboratively with the academic and administrative units to develop and implement the university’s agenda for graduate education.


The Deanship of Graduate Studies will expand, strengthen, and demonstrate targeted graduate educational and research benchmarks in academic disciplines aligned with institutional and national strategic priorities to become an institution of choice for graduate education in the UAE and the MENA region.


The mission of the Deanship of Graduate Studies is to promote exemplary graduate education by ensuring international standards of excellence across all graduate degree programs and to actively support the development of new graduate degree programs that respond to local and regional market needs. It assists in the enrollment, retention, and graduation of quality students.  It also seeks to enhance the contribution and visibility of graduate studies to promote the university’s mission and values.

Core Values

  • Academic excellence

  • Service oriented

  • Academic and professional integrity

  • Agility, creativity and innovation

  • Leadership, teamwork and collaboration

Strategic Directions

  • To offer a portfolio of signature degree programs with specializations that are consistent with emerging trends in graduate education and are responsive to the demands of local and regional markets.

  • To develop a graduate student body that is diverse and dynamic with a critical mass in all specializations on both campuses, where applicable.

  • To create a culture in which graduate studies and research are key contributors to the academic and intellectual climate of the university.

  • To develop graduate affairs and expand its services and integrate them in the university’s strategy and operation.

  • To reinvigorate graduate education by using innovative tools and methods to enhance the value, delivery and outcomes of educational services to graduate students.
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