e Participation Policy

Zayed University pays great attention to communicating with existing and potential students/guardians/the external community by providing multiple channels that enable them to share their opinions and suggestions. We highly appreciate feedback and contributions that can help us improve our services.

E-participation Charter

Firstly: Our Commitment Towards You

  • We will always address you with courtesy and respect.
  • We will communicate with you through informative and helpful staff who have the knowledge and understand your needs in order to assist with your inquiries.
  • We will respond to your inquiries in a timely manner
  • We will provide you accurate information and follow mandated procedures for efficient service.
  • We will be present to communicate with you in the time, and across the channels and sites, that are most suitable for your needs.
  • We welcome your comments and suggestions and look forward to feedback that leads to the advancement of our services.

Secondly: We Hope that Users/Followers Will :

  • Appreciate the efforts of our employees in providing services and treat them with mutual respect
  • Not ask personal questions or discuss personal topics
  • Commit to proper conduct and laws
  • Not post comments that contain inappropriate language or violate the privacy of others and/or abuse them
  • Not post any comments that breach security
  • Not post any information or comments that violate intellectual property rights of others or disclose confidential information

Moderation Policy

Although Zayed University welcomes any free comments and input on this platform, it has the right to remove/hide comments or material that:

  • Contains violations or abuse to others’ privacy, as well as comments that contain inappropriate language or is indecent, obscene or defamatory or offensive;
  • Represents a threat to security;
  • Violates local laws;
  • Violates the privacy of others;
  • May be interpreted as prejudiced or harmful to any section of the society on the basis of race, color, nationality, religion or status, etc.;
  • Includes unwanted messages or promotes any trade/commercial activity;
  • Includes collective or political discussions;
  • Contains a breach of intellectual property rights

Zayed University Encourages Followers:

  • To not share their personal information or contact details on public Zayed University pages.
  • To keep their posts/comments associated with the relevant context.
  • To note that replies to questions and comments will be provided in English and Arabic.

You can communicate with us via the following social media channels: Twitter, Instagram, facebook, linkedin.

Follow us on instagram
Follow us on twitter
Follow us on facebook
E-participations on the Official Portal of the UAE Government
Zayed University Blog
Sign Language