Samia Loucif

Associate Professor
AUH Campus

  • Ph.D. Computing Science - College of Science & Engineering, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Scotland (UK)

  • M.Sc. Computer Science - Constantine University with the collaboration of University  of Glasgow

  • B.Eng.  Computer Engineering - Constantine University, Constantine, Algeria

  • Metaverse Security 

  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security 

  • Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to Networks 

  • Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Routing 

  • Low-Power and Lossy Network (LLN) Routing 

  • Associate-Professor, Zayed University, College of Technological Innovation, Abu Dhabi, Aug. 2019-Present 

  • Adjunct-Professor, Abu Dhabi University, College of Engineering, Fall 2018                                             

  • Associate Professor and Chair of Software Engineering Department, ALHOSN University, 2010-2018   

  • Assistant Professor, Software Engineering Department, ALHOSN University, 2007-2010   

  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering, Moncton University, New Brunswick, Canada, 01/2007-8/2007   

  • Assistant Professor, Math/Computer Science Department, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE, on loan, 1999-2006 

  • Served as the Coordinator for the ZU and TwoFour54 partnership and collaboration since 2021-2023. 

  • Participated as member of task force in  writing of self-study report for the Middle State Accreditation at Zayed University. 

  • Participated as a member of various committees at Zayed University, including the Students' Affairs committee 2019-2020, the Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee 2020-2022, the UG Curriculum Review committee 2022-2023, the Teaching and Learning committee 2023-2024, and the Undergraduate Research Conference Committee 2023-2024. 

  • Chair of the Software Engineering department, College of Engineering, ALHOSN University (2011-2012 and 2015-2018) 

  • Contributed to self-study reports for the accreditation of the software engineering program at ALHOSN University for CAA and ABET accreditation 2010-2016. 

  • Coordinated IT courses for the Faculty of Engineering at ALHOSN University 2009-2011. 

  • Served several committees at ALHOSN University, including the academic and accreditation committee 2016-2018, the IT committee 2012-2014, the examination committee 2010-2011, and the editor-in-chief of the Faculty of Engineering newsletter 2009-2010. 

  • Acted as external examiner of master dissertation at the College of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering at Qaboos University in 2013. 

  • Co-supervised master thesis at Moncton University, Faculty of Engineering, Canada, in 2007. 

  • IEEE  Senior Member 2005-present. 

  • Member of Computer Society (IEEE), Communication Society (IEEE), Big Data Community (IEEE), Cloud Computing Community (IEEE), Cybersecurity Community (IEEE), Internet of Things Community (IEEE), Smart Cities (IEEE), Software Defined Networks (IEEE) 

  • Editorial board member of the American Journal of Computer Science and Technology(AJCST)  (2022- present), the Journal of Computer Technology and Application David Publishing Company, 9460 Telstar Ave Suite 5, EL Monte, CA91731, USA (2012-2014), the Engineering Journal, ALHOSN University  (2015-2018).                                                         

  • Organizing member of international conferences:  The 17th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE-2023) the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Network Systems- member of the Advisory Committee (CINS 2023), the 9th International conference on Virtual Reality (2023), the 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC2021),  the 8th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2021), the 3rd international conference on science, information, and technology (2021), International Conf. data driven security and intelligent systems (ICDDSIS’2020), the 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BDCloud-2020), the 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS’2018), the International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS) 2014-2016.  

  • Session Chair: The 9th International Conference on Virtual Reality, Xianyang, China, May 12-14, 2023, the 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality, China, July 2022, Performance and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks, 41-IEEE LCN Conference, Dubai, UAE, Nov. 7-10, 2016, Session on Mobile applications –Mobiapps, MobiWIS’2016, Vienna, Austria, Aug. 22-24, 2016, 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced information Networking and Applications, PAEWN’2013, Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013.  

  • Judging Committee Member: The 5th UAE Undergraduate Student Research Competition, Abu Dhabi University (2017), Innovation Fair, University of Wollongong in Dubai (May 2019 and December 2020).   

  • Reviewer of Research Grants: Postgraduate Research: National Priorities Research Programs, Qatar (QNRF-NPRP’2010),  (QNRF-NPRP’2009), Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP’2009), (UREP’2008), (UREP’2007).   

  1. M. Al -Rajab, S. Loucif, Y. Alresheh, Predicting new crescent moon visibility applying machine learning algorithms, Scientific Reports, 13(1) (6674), April 2023.  

  1. S. Loucif, M. Al -Rajab, Reem Salem, Nadine Akkila, An overview of technologies deployed in GCC Countries to combat COVID-19, Journal of Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Vol. 10(3), June 2022, 102-121.  

  1. M. Al-Rajab, S. Loucif, O. Kusai, M. Irani, Smart Application for Every Car (SAEC). (AR Mobile Application), Alexandria Engineering Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 61(11), November 2022, pp. 85738584.   

  1. S. Loucif, J. Neigreros, Batool Stifi, Rahma Abdulrahman, Sara Ikbal, Phobia Treatment with Face-Your-Fear VR App, the Scientific research Journal of Computer and Communication, Vol. 9(10), 2021.   

  1. J. Neigreros, S. Loucif, Mohamed Amin Kuhail, Ahmed Seffah, Covid-19 in West & East Africa, a Geographical Weighted Regression Exploration with, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, Vol. 9(9), 2021.   

  1. J. Neigreros, S. Loucif, Mohamed Amin Kuhail, Ahmed Seffah, Titanic: Statistical Analytics From Disaster, Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems, Oct. 2020.   

  1. S. Loucif, L. Gassoumi, and J. Neigreros, Considering Student’s Abilities in the Academic Advising Process, Journal of Education Sciences (MPDI), Special issue Using Technology in Higher Education, Vol. 10 (9), 254, Sep. 2020.   

  1. S. Loucif et al., Learning Human Anatomy Using ARA Mobile Application, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), Nov. 2019.   

  1. S. Loucif, Bioinformatics in Middle East Program Curricula -A Focus on the Arabian Gulf, IFIP Journal of Education and Information Technologies, Springer, Vol. 19 (2), Jun. 2014, 375-382.    

  1. H. Hamam, S. Loucif, Web-Based Engine for Program Curriculum Designers, IEEE Transactions on Education, Volume 52 (4), Nov.  2009, 563-572.   

  1.  A. Tcherak, S. Loucif, M. Ould Khaoua, On Efficient Routing for SDN-Based Wireless Sensor Networks, The Int. Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), 2023. 

  1. A. Tcherak, M. O. Khaoua and S. Loucif, Performance Evaluation Of SDN-WISE In Mobile Wireless Sensors Networks, 2023 Int. Conference on Advances in Electronics, Control and Communication Systems (ICAECCS), 2023. 

  • Higher Education Academy (AdvacnceHE) Fellowship, 05/2023 

  • Research Grant (3/2023): Co-PI, Framework Model for a New Crescent Moon Visibility Prediction Applying Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi University, AED 71,000                                                                                                                

  • Winner (Coach), 1st prize, Mobile Application Contest (MAC), ), Khalifa University, UAE, 5/ 2017       

  • Winner (Coach), 1st prize in Software Development Tradeshow Competition, Wollongong University, UAE, 5/2017 

  • Winner (Coach), 3rd prize, Mobile Application Contest (MAC), Khalifa University, UAE, 4/2016 

  • Winner (Coach), 2nd prize, CODATHON 2016, Abu Dhabi, Polytechnic, UAE, 2016                                        

  • Winner (Coach), 4th prize, Mobile Application Contest (MAC), Khalifa University, UAE, 4/2015

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