Dr. AbuBaker Ibrahim

Associate Professor

Ph.D. Education/ (Integrating Islamic Studies at Undergraduate Human Sciences Programs), International Islamic University Malaysia, 2004.
M.A. Islamic Studies. International Islamic University Malaysia, 1999.
B.A. (Hon.) Omdurman Islamic University; Sudan, 1994.


Dr. Abu Baker Ibrahim is Associate Professor of Education and Islamic Studies and the coordinator for Master of Arts in Endowment and Philanthropic Studies at the Institute for Islamic World Studies, Zayed University, UAE. His research interests include Approaching Islamic Studies in University General Education, Values and Curriculum, Islamic Educational Reform and Developing Teaching Models for Islamic Studies at Undergraduate Level. Recently, Dr. AbuBaker awarded Zayed University Exemplary Merit Award for Faculty - Academic Year  2012/13. In the year 2009/ 2010 He served the International Institute of Islamic Thought as Education Consultant in Riyadh office; Saudi Arabia. From 2004 to 2008 Dr. Abu Baker was the Head of Research Department, and then in 2008/ 2009 he serve the Institute for Islamization of knowledge as Deputy Dean and Acting Dean at Gezira University; Sudan. He is the editor of the Action Plan of the Federation of Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) for Integration of Knowledge Program. (Discussed in October 2010 at International Islamic University Malaysia,  Kuala Lumpur).


Abu Dhabi - Khalifa City, FF2-2 043


+9712 402 3649

Research and Professional Activities

In English:

1 - Ibrahim, Abu Baker Mohamed Ahmed. (2013 in Printing): Rethinking Ibn Khaldun’s Muqaddimah as a Core Text in the colloquy Context:Toward Developing an Integrated Textbook in Islamic Civilization, in Ann Charney Colmo (Editor): Re-thinking the Liberal Arts through Core Texts: Science, Poetry, Philosophy and History (Proceedings 19th ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF ACTC Association for Core Texts and Courses, Thursday-Sunday, April 25-28, 2013). Published by the Association for Core Texts and Courses & The ACTC Liberal Arts Institute at Saint Mary's College of California, Moraga, CA.

In Arabic:

2 - Ibrahim, Abu Baker Mohamed Ahmed. (2013 in Printing). Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills in Undergraduate General Education: the Model of Islamic Studies at Zayed University. in Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate, and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, Doha, Qatar.


3 - Ibrahim, Abu Baker Mohamed Ahmed. (2012). Integration of Knowledge and its Relevance to Universities Reform: An Analytical Study of AbuSulyymans' Experience in Reforming Higher Education. in Rid Okasha (Editor): Integration of Knowledge: Its Impact in Higher Education and cultural significance. International Islamic Institute, Amman.


4 - Ibrahim, Abu Baker Mohamed Ahmed. (2012).  Imam Gazelle's Concept of Integration of Knowledge: An Evaluation of the Applications of His Methodology in Contemporary Muslim Intellectual Reform.  In Abdullahi Mohmed Al-Amin and Elzien Abdallah (Eds.)  Towards Islamic Paradigm, Conference organized by ISESCO and Institute for Islamization of Knowledge in Sudan, al-Dar al_alamyyah li-alkutoob: Cairo., Cairo: al-Dar al_alamyyah li-alkutoob.



Ibrahim, Abu Baker Mohamed Ahmed. (2007).  The Concept of Integration of Knowledge and Its Implementation in University Curricula. P. O. Box: 669, Herndon, VA 20172 - USA:  the International Institute of Islamic Thought.

http://books.google.ae/books?id=lB-Sc3Ib0UoC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false Ibrahim, Abu Baker Mohamed Ahmed. (2001).  Oriental Explanations 0f Qur'an Revelation: an Analytical and Critical Study of Goldzeiher Oriental Studies. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:  Research Center, International Islamic University Malaysia. 
