About Office of Faculty Affairs
Welcome from the Office of Faculty Affairs
At Zayed University, we understand that exceptional faculty members are essential to our success as an institution. That's why our Office of Faculty Affairs is committed to providing comprehensive support to recruit, appoint, retain, and develop our faculty members, ensuring they reach their full potential. Our office offers support in the following key areas:
Faculty Development: We provide faculty development programs, workshops, and fellowships. These programs are designed to enhance teaching effectiveness, promote scholarly research, and foster professional growth among our faculty members.
Leadership Programming: We offer leadership programming tailored for university administrators and department chairs. These initiatives aim to develop effective leadership skills and support academic leadership excellence across our institution.
Academic Appointment and Reappointments: We oversee the academic appointment process, ensuring that it is conducted in a fair and transparent manner. We provide support to departments and committees involved in hiring new faculty members and facilitate the reappointment process for existing faculty members.
Promotions: We support faculty members in their journey towards promotion by providing guidance on the promotion process and criteria. We assist faculty members in preparing their promotion dossiers and navigating the promotion review process, ensuring that it is conducted with integrity and fairness.
Faculty Policies and Procedures: We oversee faculty-related policies and procedures, including those related to appointment, leaves, and promotion and tenure. We ensure that our faculty members have clear guidelines and support to navigate their academic careers.
Awards Support: Our office supports Zayed University's awards process, recognizing outstanding faculty members through a range of university-wide and system-wide awards. We celebrate and honour the achievements and contributions of our faculty members to our academic community.
Whether you are a prospective faculty member considering a future at Zayed University or a current full or part-time faculty member at any stage of your career, we invite you to explore the resources available on our website. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way.
We are here to support you in your academic journey and professional growth.
Mission and Vision of the ZU Office of Faculty Affairs
Mission Statement for Zayed University's Office of Faculty Affairs:
"To empower and inspire faculty members at every stage of the faculty life cycle at Zayed University to excel in teaching, research, and professional growth, while fostering future leaders in academia. We achieve this by providing tailored resources, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and nurturing a vibrant academic community."
Vision Statement for Zayed University's Office of Faculty Affairs:
"To become a recognized leader in faculty development, driving innovation in higher education by equipping educators with the skills, knowledge, and support they need to enrich the academic experience, advance research, foster future leaders, and shape the future of learning within our unique university community."