Research Incentive Fund (RIF) Grants

Research Incentive Fund (RIF) Grants are competitive research funds made available each year to university faculty, through the Office of Research. Faculty research grants are designed to fund research projects over either a one or two-year period, which can be either an individual grant (up to maximum AED 100,000) or a small team with a minimum of two members including at least one non-ZU Co-PI (normally to a maximum of AED 300,000).  Typically, there will be two calls for proposal each year: one in the spring semester and other in fall semester.

How do I apply for a RIF Grant?

_ Read the RIF Faculty Handbook

_ Complete the RIF Grant Proposal Application Form

_ Complete the RIF Budget Spreadsheet

_ Update your SEDONA CV

_ Obtain your Dean's approval and signature

_ Sign your application

_ Submit all documentation to

 Below, examples of awarded projects:

Reporting Requirements

Principal Investigators are required to complete a RIF Grant Progress Report every six (6) months for the duration of their project.

At the conclusion of the research project, Principal Investigators must complete a RIF Grant Final Report.

More information and useful forms are available to help you manage your grant and budget.

Previous RIF Recipients - 2016, 2017.

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