

According to the American Psychologist Association, depression is a common mental health issue that negatively affects how one feels and the way they think and act. Everyone experiences ups and downs across their lives. However, when mood changes become constant and may occur for longer periods of time, they could have a persistent impact on everyday life. Different people experience depression in different ways. It causes feelings of sadness and / or loss of interest in activities the person once used to enjoy. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical outcomes and can decrease the person’s motivation to function in daily life. Fortunately, depression is among the treatable mental disorders (APA, 2020).

Read and Research

Understanding depression

NHS: Depression and low mood self-help guide

Wellbeing Glasgow: Low Mood

The Guardian: What is depression and why is it rising?

Try some of these apps to help manage your symptoms: CALM App: Apple | CALM App: Android

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