ZU Customer Charter

Welcome to Zayed University

Zayed University is committed to constantly providing outstanding services and support to its community. This charter demonstrates ZU principles, values and practices adopted in order to dynamically achieve excellence in service provision as well as maximize customer focus with high quality service.

Our Commitment to you

  • Attending to you with diligence and treating you with respect and due attention.

  • Providing you with high-quality service and fair and equal treatment.

  • Meeting your needs with professionalism through courteous, well-trained and qualified staff.

  • Responding to your requirements and needs without unreasonable delay and investing all possible efforts to meet them promptly.

  • Keeping you fully and clearly informed about ZU services, their requirements, and the time required for their delivery.

  • Working on simplifying procedures and reducing service delivery times in order to improve the quality and speed of ZU services.

  • Working on delivering services and providing information through various channels at the times that suit them as much as possible.

  • Welcoming your feedback and suggestions about ZU services through several channels and giving you the opportunity to participate in the development these services.

Your Commitment to us

  • Appreciating the efforts of ZU employees in serving them and treating them with respect.

  • Providing ZU with all required documents, information and data at the time of submitting any requests or applications so that they can be attended to promptly.

  • Ensuring all required documents, information and data are provided fully and accurately in order to have the request or application completed.

  • Informing ZU admins of errors or of any change they wish to be made on their information or data as soon as possible.

  • Informing ZU admins of any change to personal details, such as change of address, contact details, or information related to the request completion procedures.

  • Being cooperative, truthful and accurate in answering any inquiries made by ZU employees.

  • Understanding all ZU academic and administrative policies and procedures.

One of ZU’s objectives is to continuously improve customer experience through collaboration, innovation and proactive practices. You are always encouraged to communicate with ZU administration office to share feedback and suggestions using different available channels through ZU’s official website.   

Dear ZU Valued Customers

We are always committed to providing you with the best experience and services. Our main aim is to provision high-quality educational-based services and supports. Our responsibility is to maintain and continue enhancing our services and dedicate our resources in order to meet your requirements professionally. In order to achieve the above successfully, your cooperation will definitely help us to provide outstanding outcomes.

Customer Complaint System – SAHIM Link

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