Undergraduate Application
Welcome to Zayed University application platform – your passport to a transformative academic experience! We are thrilled that you are considering joining our vibrant community, where innovation, diversity, and academic excellence converge.
National Students
- United Arab Emirates Nationals
- All United Arab Emirates Nationals holding UAE passport and UAE National ID/Family Book.
- Children of United Arab Emirates National Mothers
- All students with the National ID/Family Book of the mothers.
Current and National Service Students Application
Emirati Students that are currently in grade 12 or currently serving national service in both government and private schools must submit their application through the Ministry of Educations website by clicking here or by viewing the service card “Application For Registration In Higher Education Institutions In The UAE And Scholarships To Study Abroad For The Current Grade 12 Students” in the registration service catalogue on the Ministry of Education’s website.
Admission decisions are released in the final admission period (August for Fall Semesters and December for Spring Semesters). Once the student receives their admittance, they must complete and confirm their admission offer through a link sent to their email or by navigating to the "Admission Acceptance Offer" on the e-services platform.
Application Dates to be confirmed.
Application Guide
Previous Year Graduates and Transfer Students Application
Emirati students that graduated in previous years or willing to transfer are eligible to apply and must submit their application through the Ministry of Educations website by clicking here or by viewing the service card “Request For Registration To Institutions Of Higher Education In The UAE For Students Who Graduated From High School In The Year Prior To The Current Academic Year” in the registration service catalogue on the Ministry of Education’s website.
Admission decisions are released in the final admission period (August for Fall Semesters and December for Spring Semesters). Once the student receives their admittance, they must complete and confirm their admission offer through a link sent to their email or by navigating to the "Admission Acceptance Offer" on the e-services platform.
The admission decisions for previous year graduates is dependent on the availability of seats and may require the student to self-fund their education.
Application Dates to be confirmed.
View admissions criteria
International Students Application
International students who are interested in applying to Zayed University are encouraged to contact the admissions team on Ug_admissions@zu.ac.ae.
Required Documents for International Students
- A Colored Copy of a Valid Passport.
- A Colored Copy of Residency Visa (If applicable).
- A Colored Copy of Valid Emirates ID (front and back).
- Recent Photo (Passport Size).
- Final Report Card of Grades 10, 11, 12.
- Please ensure your grade 12 transcripts and certificates are attested by your local educational regulatory authority:
- Abu Dhabi –Department of Education and Knowledge.
- Dubai – Knowledge and Human Development Authority.
- Sharjah – Sharjah Private Education Authority.
- Other Emirates – Ministry of Education.
- Students outside of the United Arab Emirates require attestations from:
- Ministry of Foriegn affairs (in the students country of study).
- United Arab Emirates Embassy (in the students country of study).
- Ministry of Education Equivalency (for students who studied outside of UAE). View equivalency requirements (outside of UAE)
- Obtain legal translation for the certificates issued in any language other than Arabic or English.
- Please ensure your grade 12 transcripts and certificates are attested by your local educational regulatory authority:
- Ministry of Education Equivalency letter for students who completed foreign curriculum General Education (for students in UAE). View equivalency requirements
- English Proefficieny Certificate (EmSat/IELTS/TOEFL).
- EmSat Math or SAT Math Certificate.
- Additional Documents for Transfer Students:
- Attested transcript from previous institute.
- Course descriptions for all coureses taken in the previous institute.
Application Dates to be confirmed.
View admissions criteriaRe-admissions
If you have studied at Zayed University previously, and would like to be considered for re-admission, please contact our Admissions Team .