WORKSHOP 5 - Web Sites and Evaluation

In this workshop you will:

  • learn how to find better research web sites and search more effectively (Section 1)
  • learn how to use a URL of the web site to narrow down results (Section 2)
  • practice evaluating web sites for relevant and reliable information (Section 3)
  • practice citing the web information that you have found (Section 4)

1. Finding good web sites?

If nobody looks past the 4th screen of results when searching the Internet, what is the value of finding 3.4 million hits?

How many of the 3.4 million hits are relevant, academic information?

How do you know whether what you find is reliable
or credible information? (... anyone can publish on the Internet!)

  Sad boy image

view logo VIEW this short online tutorial [4 mins] about how to search Google more effectively
and find more relevant results. Note: If the tutorial doesn't load, try the text version.

Activity ACTIVITY - What did you learn?

Take a piece of paper and write down at least 2 helpful search tips from the tutorial that you will use the next time you search online:

1. ........................................................................................................................

2. ........................................................................................................................

Go beyond Google! Tip: Follow these links to Infoasis Module 5 for searching other types of search engines, such as DIRECTORIES or META search engines.

2. Dot what?

A quick tip for looking through a long list of search results to find good, relevant information is to
scan the URL (or 'domain name') to select a website with information more likely to be reliable.

view logo VIEW this short PowerPoint to understand the value of reviewing the URL of websites.

Tip: Follow this link to Infoasis Module 5 for more detailed information about Web searching.

3. Evaluating web information

view logo VIEW this online tutorial [7:30 minutes] to understand how to review and evaluate
a web site. Note: If the tutorial doesn't load, try the text version.

Tip: Follow this link to Infoasis Module 6 to find out about evaluating all sorts of other sources.

Activity ACTIVITY - Let's start evaluating!

  • Visit this web page, Danger of Aspartame.
  • Spend a few minutes to explore this web page.
  • Test yourself! Work as a whole class, or in small groups, to evaluate this web page:
    • What TYPE of organization has created this web site?
    • Can you identify the AUTHOR of the web page?
    • Can you find information about the AUTHOR which makes you think that they are qualified or an expert on this topic?
    • Can you find the DATE when this information was posted to the web site?
    • What do you think is the main PURPOSE of this web site?
    • Do you think this web page has reliable, academic information?
    • Would you use this web information for your assignment?

Tip: Follow up with your instructor - or ask a librarian - for any help evaluating this web page.

Activity ACTIVITY - Now it's your turn!


  • In your student groups, find at least one web site which might help to answer your current assignment question. (Alternative: Use a web site your group has previously found.)
  • Complete this worksheet to help your group evaluate the web site.

4. Citing web information

You need more than just the URL to cite a web site correctly! You will need to explore the web site to find the information needed to cite it.

For a web citation, you will most likely need the following:

  author date title of page Retrieved month day,year from URL
  Smith, P. H. (2006). My life in Dubai. Retrieved May 14, 2010 from

Activity ACTIVITY -- Practice citations

In small groups, practice citations with the APA Compile the References Activity. Click-and-drop the parts of a citation into the right order.

Tip: Also visit the ZU library guide for APA style for more citation examples and help.


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