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Credits and Acknowledgements

The Zayed University InfOasis Information Literacy tutorial content comes from several sources:

1) Original course content was primarily developed by Carol Hansen, Fiona Hunt, Janet Martin, Mary-Sengati Zimba, Jane Birks and Daphne Selbert, all of Zayed University (ZU).

2) Zayed University information literacy instructional materials - These include materials created by Fiona Hunt, Jane Birks and others for the ZU BILS program (1998 to 2003). This also includes material published in the book Hands On Information Literacy Activities by Jane Birks and Fiona Hunt, published by Neal Schuman, 2003.

3) The Internet Navigator Online Course - This course is no longer available online.

4) Research 101 - John Homes and others created Research 101. The University of Washington supports this course within its UWILL project. Special thanks goes to UWILL for most of the interactive Flash activities in the InfOasis course.

Specific permissions were granted for use of materials from each of the above non ZU sources. All of the clip art used in the course is from the Microsoft Offce Clip Art Collection and/or has been developed at ZU.

Danny Munnerley (IT), with input from Janet Martin (Library), created the Web site design based on an earlier site for the ZU Family Sciences Department and earlier design input from Rashid AlFalasi. Gordon Grabar assisted with Flash programming.

Valuable input was provided by Shaikha Al-Muhairi, John Sheridan, Andrea Winship, Muneer Abu Baker, Robin Sorflaten, Barbara Hall, Alaa El Talmas, Jordan Scepanski, Jane Mandalios, Bridie Farah, Brad Young, Rashid AlFalasi, Lea Wells, Huda Al-Braiki, Amira Malik, Hessa Ahmed Abdulla Al Sabaa Al Kuwaiti, Nouf Ali, Elliot Smith, Kevin Schoepp, Annelise Kachelhoffer and others. Please let us know if we have forgotten anyone!