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Tutorial Developers - Update 2011

Given the nature of our field and the fact that information literacy involves use of technology and changes happen at a high speed in the field of technology, Zayed University librarians realized that it was time to update the tutorial.

These updates also took into consideration the fact that at Zayed University both faculty and librarians have the responsibility of teaching information literacy, for instance in COL 120, where faculty from University College partner with librarians to teach.

The updates include workshops, which can be used by COL 120 instructors as lesson plans for the course. The workshops include interesting activities and make reference to the modules for detailed information. The modules on the other hand include updated activities, movies from YouTube, Web 2.0 technology, captivate movies and a glossary of terms in Arabic and English (key languages used at Zayed University). Important terminology is hyper-linked to the glossary for definition. The update in 2011 was successful as a result of the professional contribution of the following team members:

Anthony Pash, Assistant Professor and Reference Instructional Librarian

Jane Birks, Assistant Professor and Reference Instructional Librarian

Jennifer Snoek-Brown, Assistant Professor and Reference/Instruction Librarian, Abu Dhabi campus, 2008-2011. She has several years experience in academic and public libraries and teaching information literacy. A proud second-generation librarian, she earned her Master's in Library Science from the University of North Texas and bachelor's in English from West Texas A&M University. Click here for an online interview to read more about Jennifer's background and philosophy on librarianship.

Marwa Basil, Technology Trainer

Mary Sengati-Zimba, Associate Professor and Abu Dhabi Campus Librarian

Muneer AbuBaker, Associate Professor and Senior Librarian

Siba Mahmood, Assistant Professor and Reference Instructional Librarian