Module 2 - Search Techniques
Lesson 2 - Selecting Keywords

Exercise 2.1 - Selecting keywords

1. Identify three narrower aspects of the following broad topics. In other words, what

are three areas you could investigate that fit into each of these very broad topics.


  • fish
  • Switzerland
  • swimming
  • baking
  • learning
  • basketball
  • soccer
  • reading


  • smog
  • oil spills
  • gardening
  • flower arranging
  • smoke
  • painting
  • children
  • sun


  • drawing
  • cats
  • painting
  • library
  • bread maker
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Queen Noor of Jordan
  • water pollution

2. You have been given the following subjects, but you cannot not find any information

on these subjects.  For each of them, identify the broader subject areas that will

help you find information.  You may choose more than one from each list.

Network manager careers

  • Information technology careers
  • Fashion designer
  • Computer careers
  • Communications officer
  • Online shopper


  • Health care professional
  • Yoga teacher
  • Restaurant owner
  • Doctor
  • Aerobics instructor


  • Marriage
  • Family
  • Mental illness
  • Relationships
  • Shopping

3. Imagine that you have been assigned the following topics. Think of 5 keywords you

might use to look for information on each.

    • How does air quality affect our health?
    • What are the barriers to peace in the Middle East?
    • Should dune bashing be allowed in wilderness areas?
    • How can governments help poor children?

4. Why is it helpful to brainstorm for keywords before beginning a search?

Check the answers!

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