Module 3 - Finding Books
Lesson 3c - Call numbers cont...

How to read a call number

 1                                                     2



The first line is alphabetical.  A, B, C, D, etc.




Single letters come before pairs


3                                                     4


   BF  BF  BF

10  90  431


The second line is in numerical order:

1, 2, 3, etc.



    BF    BF     BF


    431  431  431

  A       C      G

The third line starts alphabetically


5                                                     6


       BF       BF     BF

      431     431   431

  .G102  .G2    .G68


In the third line, treat the number after the letter as a decimal. So, the G above is really followed by .102.2  and  .68



    BF       BF       BF

    431     431    431

   .G2      .G68   .G68

1986   1981  1986

The last line is in order by date


Are you wondering what each of the different lines in the call number mean?  If so, click on this movie to see for yourself!


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