Module 3 - Finding Books
Lesson 3a - Call numbers in the Library


Locating books on the shelves


When you watched the demonstration movie showing how to use the library catalog, you may have noticed the term call number on some of the screens.  Almost all the items in the library have a call number.  On books, the call number appears on the spine of the item. 

A call number looks something like this:





The call number is the address of a book (or other item) on the library shelves. The call number identifies the unique location of an item in the library.

Books and other resources in the ZU library are arranged for the most part by subject, using the Library of Congress (LC) classification system.

If you find a book that is excellent for your topic, look at its call number and browse on the shelves at that same call number location. You are likely to find other books on similar topics.

Library of Congress Reading Room

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