Use the following keywords when searching in the Library Catalog and in article databases: |
- accounting, auditing, banks and banking, banking law, business, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, investment analysis, management or marketing, human resource management (to name a few)
- "United Arab Emirates" or UAE or Emirates. Depending on the subject, you might need to use broader terms such as "Middle East" or Gulf.
- search for specific dates or date ranges wherever possible
Start with these article databases. For all business databases, check the 'Research Guide' in the ZU Library Web site specific to that database to help you to get good search results: |
A substancial proportion of Middle East and UAE banks are included in this database. Search by bank name, index number, location, or specialization (such as Islamic Banking)
There are hundreds of articles from journals available (mostly full-text) when you use the 'Advanced Search Screen' and look for "United Arab Emirates" as a 'geographic term' and any of the topic keywords as above, as a 'subject'. Use the 'Company Profiles' tab at the top of the Home page to look for extensive company information too.
This database includes extensive news coverage (including the full-text of both the 'Gulf News' and 'Khaleej Times'), as well as business coverage including news, industry and markets, accounting, company profiles and comparisons.
Begin by selecting the database (within the Home page of Proquest) titled ABI/INFORM Global to retrieve specifically business information.
For statistical information relating to the UAE, start with the following links from the ZU Library Web site 'Business Statistical Information'. |