Module 8 - Career Information
Business Information - 9 - Career Information
Finding information on Business Careers

Use the following keywords when searching for information in the Library Catalog or article databases:

  • Careers: careers. career planning, vocation, vocational guidance, job, jobs, profession, recruiting, recruitment, employment, work, occupation, occupations etc
  • Business careers: manager, marketing manager, market researcher, human resource manager, quality manager, accountant, auditor, financial analyst, bookkeeper, banker, consultant, entrepreneur, statistician, taxation worker, "women in business"

General Career planning information to find out more about different types of careers:

  • Library books: Career information books are found in the library at LC number HF 5381 and HF 5382, and include major titles such as -

HF 5381.E52  Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance

HF 5381.U503  Occupational outlook handbook 2004/2005

HF 5381.2.P76  Professional and technical careers

HF 5382.5.U5.P76  Professional careers sourcebook

Resources specific to business careers can be found by searching under some of the keywords suggested above, and include books such as:

HG 65.H37  The Harvard Business School guide to careers in finance

HF 5382.7.L347  Great jobs for Business Majors

HF5616.U5.G643  Great jobs for Accounting Majors  etc.

HD 6054.3.D48  Developing women managers

  • Web resources: for background information on career choices-

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Contains good descriptions of  jobs, working conditions, job requirements, outlook and more for hundreds of occupations

The Riley Guide and General career resources


Job hunting resources, including how to apply for work, and employment information specific to the UAE:

  • Resume writing and interviewing books are at LC number HF 5383 or HF 5549.5, and the keywords "resumes" and "interviewing" are used in our library catalog.  Books specific to business resumes, such as "Resumes for Business Management Careers", are also available.
  • UAE employment: career information for Nationals is available via the Web:

UAE Ministry of Finance & Industry Employment and Social Security

TANMIA  CareerGate UAE

TANMIA  National human resource development & employment authority

TANMIA  Job hunting, CVs and applications

  • UAE employment recruitment.  There are many Web sites available, for example:

Jobs in the Middle East Global gateway

Online job recruitment site for Nationals UAE Graduate 

Aamal, a national recruitment agency for Emiratis, by Emiratis AAMAL

United Arab Emirates  Gulf Job Sites

The Emirates Network  Ten Jobs


Women and employment in the UAE.  Several Web sites and articles which discuss the current and future prospects of employment for women in the UAE:

Government overview of basic rights for women in the UAE Women in the UAE

ArabNet Women in the UAE: Employment

UAE to have its first batch of women e-commerce specialists by 2003 (article)

TANMIA Publications include many reports and papers on women in the UAE work place,  The following are two recent 'Labour Market Studies' from TANMIA:

"Small Enterprises: Women Entrepreneurs in the UAE" (pdf file)

"UAE National Women at work in the Private Sector: Conditions and Constraints"  (pdf file)


Emiratization information.  (Note that this is a good topic to 'brainstorm' when searching,as you will find that some information is listed under Emiratization and some as Emiratisation.  Always think about alternative spellings)

Brief overview of Government strategy on Emiratization  Emiratization

Emiratization news, magazine and employer directory

Directory of UAE newspaper articles maintained by HCT  DWC Emiratization

News archives maintained by UAE Interact  News archives - Emiratisation

TANMIA Graduate recruitment and Emiratization



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