Module 8 - Subject Resources
Information Technology - 3 - Finding books and media on Information Systems topics

Use the online library catalog to find location and availability of books (including electronic books) and other media in the Zayed University Library.  The catalog will show you where to find the book on the shelf (the 'call number'), and whether the item is available for loan.

A detailed user guide for searching our online library catalog, is available at this link.


Information Technology is a broad and complex subject, so books can be found in several locations on the library shelves. 

HC Economic History
HA Statistics
HF Commerce

Computer Science

T Technology ( General )

Electronics and Electrical Engineering

particularly TK5102 - TK8000
For more information about the LC system used to shelve books in the library, click here.
Other Sources for Information Technology Books:
Librarians LOVE students to suggest books to add to our collection!

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