Module 8 - Subject Resources
Social and Behavioral Sciences Resources - 2 - Search Terms and Techniques

Brainstorm for the best keywords for your Social and Behavioral Sciences research topic or idea:

Use keywords or use subject terms found in library catalogs and databases.

It is very helpful, for Social and Behavioral Sciences students, to search by:

  • Social and Behavioral Sciences terms:  Keywords could include - social science, psychology, globalization, politics, political science, international relations, history, (to name a few)
  • Statistics: For example - 'Statistical Yearbook of the UAE 2005', or 'Economic Surveys'.  Keywords could include statistics, annual statistics, and specific dates or Social and Behavioral Sciences areas or subjects that you would like to research. You could start with the 'Statistical Resources' listed in the Library Web site.
  • Region: Middle East, United States, Asia, etc
  • Career focus: manager, human resource manager, anthropologist, historian, psychologist, sociologist, social worker, counselor, diplomat, etc.
Use standard search techniques (remember Module 2 of InfOasis?) to use keywords effectively in catalogs, databases and search engines:
  • Boolean logic: (psychology OR counseling) will search for items containing either words
  • Truncation: psych* will find psychology, psychiatry, psychic, psychological, etc.
  • Phrase searching: "population statistics "  or "strategic planning " or "social problems " will search for the words next to each other, as a phrase, and give you a much more specific search result

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