Module #8 - Subject Resources
Communication and Media - Finding Books and Media on Communication & Media Topics

Use the library catalog to find books and other resources in the Zayed University Library

  • Use keywords and subject terms to find books and other items in the library catalog
  • Use the catalog to find the call number ("address" on the shelf) of the items needed
  • Resources on communication and media span a wide variety of subjects and could be found under any of the following call numbers, depending on your topic:


Public relations



Motion Pictures




G 154.9-155.8

HD 59-59.6

HF 5801-6182

PN 1990-1992.95

PN 1993-1999

PN 4699-5650


TR 845-899

  • Books on careers in communication and media are located in the Career Collection of the library
  • Videos and DVDs are located in the media area in Abu Dhabi library (next to the librarians' offices) and are shelved with the rest of the collection in Dubai

Other Sources for Communication and Media Books:


And remember....Librarians LOVE students to suggest books to add to our collection!

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