Module #8 - Subject Resources
Communication and Media - Search Terms and Techniques

Brainstorm for the best keywords for your comm & media research topic or idea

Use keywords or use subject terms found in library catalogs and databases. It is very helpful, for communication and media students, to search by:
  • journalist's name: eg: Christiane Amanpour, Barbara Frum, etc.
  • type of media: television, radio, film or cinema, news magazine, newspaper, etc.
  • gender: female, woman, women, gender, etc.
  • region: Africa, South America, Asia, Middle East, Gulf, etc.
  • career focus: journalist, broadcaster, reporter, director, producer, photojournalist, advertising, public relations, etc. 

Use standard search techniques (remember Module 2?) to use keywords effectively in the library catalog, article databases and search engines:

  • boolean logic: eg. women and journalist will search for items containing both words
  • truncation: journalis* will search for journalist, journalism
  • phrase searching: "female journalists"  will search for the words next to each other, as a phrase

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