Office of Strategic Planning

The Strategic Planning Office strives to provide quality services by facilitating planning, and institutional research to encourage continuous assessment. This is designed to reflect improvements of the University's academic programs and administrative services.

At Strategic Planning, a collective approach is used to deliver plans with high efficiency. The key to success is working with different departments to establish and maintain a culture of strategy.

The unit monitors and reports progress against the “Key Performance Indicators” (KPIs) and its targets.

The University anticipates that, over time, the aims and objectives for each of the strategic goals will remain essentially the same, with the strategies, KPIs, and targets being modified in response to changes in the operating environment.

Term Definition
Vision A short statement to determine where we want to be in the future
Mission A short statement to determine what needs to be done to achieve the vision
Values Guidance principles of how things should be done to achieve the mission
Strategic Objectives Specific organizational goals help to convert the mission statement to achieve the vision
Strategic Planning A process to identify what needs to be done in order to reach a desired goal over a period of time
Strategic Plan A document to put together the strategic planning
New projects initiated in a department. Usually, its life cycle is one year, and sometimes it continues to become a common service.
Example: Establish an online system
Activities Different tasks need to be done to achieve an initiative.
Examples: (knowing that the initiative is establishing the online system)
•       prepare the online system proposal
•       Meet with IT department
•       Launch the online system
Main Services Services that are provided to the main customers’ (students, other governments...etc.)
Sub-Services Different tasks that need to be done to achieve the main services
Institutional Services Services that are provided and related to the institution, employees, community...etc.
Institutional Sub-Services The tasks/sub services that are related to deliver the institutional services
Priority Services A term related to some of the main services which its priority is chosen based on a set of criteria.
Priority Initiatives Refers to the priority initiatives that are related directly to the government vision 2021, national agenda...etc.
KPI A short term for the Key Performance Indicators
O-KPIs A short term for the Operational KPIs
S-KPIs A short term for the Strategic KPIs
KPI Description A brief statement to describe the purpose of measuring the KPI

Initiatives/Main Services/Institutional Services Description

A brief statement to describe the purpose of measuring
Formula The calculation method to get the KPI measurements
KPI Targets KPI measurement in values. Could be a percentage or a number or a monetary value
Repeat Measurement The time period that a KPI is measured, it could be (annually, quarterly, semi-annual...etc.)
Trend KPI increasing better or decreasing better.
•      if KPI trend is increasing better, that will mean that any achievement  equals to or more than the target is better
•      if KPI trend is decreasing better, that will mean that any achievement equals to or less than the target is better
Annual Compilation Method
How the final annual percentage is calculated for a KPI (last value, average, total)
•      If a KPI is measured as a number, the trend is quarterly, and the annual compilation method is chosen as a total. The end of year result will be the sum of all the quarters.
•      If a KPI is measured as a number, the trend is semi-annual, and the annual compilation method is chosen as an average. The end of year result will be the average of the two results
•      If a KPI is measured as a number, the trend is quarterly, and the annual compilation method is chosen as the last value. The end of year result will be the last value entered.
** Same applies for KPIs that are measured as percentages
Measurement Unit Whether the KPI measurement is a percentage, number, currency
Benchmark Whether the KPI is a benchmark with another institution
Supporting Document What is the supporting documentation to support the KPI result?
• Systems (mention the name)
• Reports (mention the name of the report)
KPI actual The result or the achievement of the KPI after the calculation
Government Enablers Set of KPIs that are common with other federal entities and have been set by the Prime Minister’s Office. Could be Strategic or Operational KPIs
SPTS Refers to the Strategic Planning Tracking System
Service Classification Service Categories are classified as follows: 
G2C: Customer services provided by the federal government (individuals)
(G2B: Customer services provided by the federal government (Business Sector
G2G: Services provided by federal agencies to other governmental bodies, whether federal or local
Service Type Government customer services were classified into five categories as follows:
Informational Services: These services relate to the transfer of information from the government to customers, such as awareness campaigns, or inquiries. For example, inquire about the status of a scholarship, issuing periodic reports, guidance and religious counseling.. etc.
Procedural Services: This includes all services the meet customers' needs and treated by their nature as a procedure: like birth certificates issuance, documents attestation, issue/renewal of a driving license, issuing trade licenses, etc.
Commercial Services: A bundle of services with the aim of providing revenues for the government such as map sales, rental of social facilities, sale of statistical data and reports, etc.
Social Services: Set of services to promote well-being in community (well-being of a specific group of people) examples include health services, Zakat, marriage funds/grants, supporting productive families by marketing their products, etc. 
Control Services: This category includes all the services that customers should be subject to, such as periodic inspection of companies, issue traffic violations tickets, etc.
Service Application Channels Service  application channels: Please specify the possibility of requesting the service according to the following channels:
Service Center: Customer Service Centers
Call Center: Call centers designed to provide services both on the client-side and the customer service center.Note: The service is not considered one of the service channels except in the case of the possibility to provide one of the services of the entity. 
Mobile Phone: Mobile service is provided via multiple methods such as text messaging, or USSD, the website through mobile phone and smart devices. 
Post Box
Service Delivery Channels Service delivery channels Could be the same as the Application Channels Please specify the possibility of receiving/accomplishing the service according to the following channels:
Service Center
Call Center
Mobile Phone
Post Box
Service Fee Service delivery fee divided into federal or local according to the type of government entities concerned with service delivery. If you can limit the length of the service, which will incur additional charges, please add them in the urgent fees.
The requirement to Obtain the Service  Specify whether obtaining the service is mandatory or optional for the client. For example, issuing a driver's license is mandatory because it is not permitted to drive a vehicle without a driver's license. The request for childcare allowance is optional as childcare does not necessarily require a care allowance. 
Service Description Enter service description and include the objective and when to be requested
Service Requirements & Procedures  Specify service application procedures, conditions, and required documents. 
Service Standards Specify the average time is taken to receive the service

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