
Educational Research, Collaboration with Policymakers and Teacher Training

Educational systems require evidence on the most effective policies, teaching approaches, and methods to provide students with skills needed now and in the future. Governments are keen to understand if their efforts to support the teaching and learning of Arabic literacy skills are effective in the key areas of pedagogy, curriculum, and teaching. As an Arabic language educational research facility and consultative body, the ZAI Arabic Language Research Center collaborates and communicates with partners to analyze trends and variations within school systems, while its researchers and experts develop practical and sustainable solutions to challenges encountered. In a rapidly changing and increasingly interconnected world, a dynamic system of teaching and learning is required to distinguish and embed best practices within school settings. The ZAI Center is a resource for practitioners believing that Arabic language instruction takes place in nurturing environments, includes having multiple opportunities for student interaction and output, and involves training teachers in instructional practices that support, motivate and challenge.

Evaluation of Arabic Language Curricula in Schools & Ministries of Education

The ZAI Arabic Language Research Center evaluates Arabic language curricula in school settings from kindergarten to 12th grade according to global standards of best practice in language teaching and learning. A system-wide evaluation procedure collects information on effectiveness and efficiency of educational systems, leadership, institutional context, and non-cognitive outcomes to provide governments with detailed recommendations of effective policies and guiding principles to improve student achievement. The evaluation procedure involves a rigorous and standardized examination and provides feedback on specific areas requiring modification or improvement. A high-quality evaluation is necessary to institute procedures that measure students’ language proficiency, promote teacher accountability, and keep pace with current advancements in curriculum design. The evaluation process is based on performance-based standards, tailored to support specific educational environments, and includes key language competencies needed to succeed in a globalized world.

Evaluation of Arabic Language Teacher Training Programs

Teachers are the most important resource in a school. Research shows that competent teachers make a significant, positive difference in students’ learning and life outcomes. The ZAI Arabic Language Research Center evaluates Arabic Language Teacher Training programs in universities and teacher colleges based on global best practices and provides evidence-based recommendations and frameworks to improve instructor capacity. The first step involves facilitating critical conversations among school and government leaders to better understand teacher evaluation results and identify actions to improve professional development training programs in the areas of pedagogy, evidence-based teaching methods, and the use of educational technology. Improving the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schooling depends, in large measure, on providing high-quality teaching to all students and is associated with improved opportunities to access tertiary education and employment. Arabic language learning is crucial due to a global emergence of English language dominance and students increased exposure to mixed linguistic environments.

Smart Arabic Reading Diagnostic (SARD)

Choosing the criteria to be incorporated into designing a diagnostic assessment is a complex process, directed by the educational priorities that countries have set and also informed by educational research. In response, the ZAI Arabic Language Research Center has launched the Smart Arabic Reading Diagnostic platform (SARD), which measures Arabic language proficiency in primary grades one to six across the Middle East and North Africa region. The platform’s objective is to effectively identify students who experience difficulties in phonemic awareness, phonics, listening comprehension, reading fluency, and reading comprehension skills. The scope of the platform has expanded to include sixteen reading and language modules that examine how well students extrapolate knowledge learned in the classroom when applied to unfamiliar assessment tasks, in addition to flagging potential processing disorders, such as dyslexia. When student data reveals challenges within a module, SARD provides teachers and specialists with suggested evidence-based interventions. Cloud technology supports complex data analysis and allows for more in-depth reporting on achievement variations. The platform generates reports and charts, based on students’ performance and skill disparities from all sixteen modules. The assessment provides government officials and educators with comparable results to interpret valid and reliable trends of students’ Arabic language competence against previous assessments, with grade level peers, and across other Arabic speaking countries. For more information about the SARD platform, please visit the website

Development of National Plans for Arabic Language Literacy

The ZAI Arabic Language Research Center collaborates with governments, ministries, researchers, and international experts to develop comprehensive frameworks for Arabic literacy within national educational systems. Frameworks are designed based on evaluation data and national policy questions. Educational policy makers in participating countries require information in four broad areas: curriculum, teaching and learning process, student outcomes, and educational policies. ZAI researchers and experts use domain specific evidence to provide governments and ministries with advice, guidance, and practical proposals on curriculum design and the development of effective teaching methods to equip students with the necessary Arabic language skills to participate fully in modern societies.

Development of Annual Plans for Teacher Training

Quality teacher training programs, which lead to better student learning outcomes, are widely supported as a foundation of quality professional development programs and teacher re-certification processes. The scope of professional development can be limitless and the ZAI Language Research Center collaborates with governments, ministries and schools in making relevant decisions regarding optimal formats, topics, and pedagogical practices. Each country follows a unique professional development path in training Arabic language teachers. Therefore, it is necessary for government authorities, ministries, and schools to systematically prepare teacher training frameworks that are practical, goal oriented, and provide teachers with tangible activities, methods, and pedagogical tools. High quality teacher training is an ongoing and complex activity that must be relevant to ministry requirements, teacher needs, and student outcomes. For this reason, the ZAI Center recommends effective and experienced consultants to implement the agreed upon annual teacher training plans.

Development of National Arabic Education Vision & Philosophy for Ministries and Countries

Governments invest significant resources in teaching and learning. Policy makers, school officials, educators, and parents require evidence of effective policies and instructional methods. The ZAI Arabic Language Research Center serves as a research facility that assists educational stakeholders understand the fundamental impact of policy and curriculum decisions on student learning outcomes. Frameworks are collaboratively developed that include proposals outlining research-based teaching philosophies, objectives, pedagogical methods, and suggested instructional tools to ensure all students are empowered with the Arabic language skills needed for a successful future.

Distance Training for Arabic Language Teachers and Coordinators

Teachers and coordinators benefit from connecting with other professionals outside their institutions. Online events, courses, and workshops are often the most common avenues that allow teachers to connect with a global community of educators. The ZAI Arabic Language Research Center offers Arabic language teachers and coordinators diverse professional development opportunities through an online training platform. Training content includes required readings, live discussions, classroom visits, and a wide collection of video clips delivered by experts in the field of Arabic teaching pedagogy, reading difficulties, cognitive psychology, and music. Online training courses are based on the results of global scientific research and best practices in the field. Aware of the crucial role Arabic language teachers and coordinators play in advancing the learning process, the ZAI Center for Arabic Language Research has intensified efforts to encourage teachers and coordinators to reflect on what is happening in their classes and share opinions on variations in presentation styles, content, materials, activities, and assessment. ZAI Center responds by designing educational materials based on this valuable feedback. ZAI believes, “Teaching is a great way to keep learning” Matthea Harvey

Development of Native Speaker Standards of Arabic Language Arts for Ministries and Countries

Education systems in different countries and economies are striving to respond to the challenge of implementing a standards-based educational policy. The ZAI Arabic Language Research Center has extensive experience reviewing and developing national standards and key performance indicators in Arabic language education. Standards based education has a proven success record spanning three decades and a fundamental service provided by the ZAI Center is advice and support in developing evidence-based standards of Arabic Language Arts that all students can master.

Educational Arabic Language Courses for Zayed University Students, Faculty, and Staff

Culture is an integral part of language and language is learned best in authentic environments. Language learning should immerse students in others’ worlds, and foster empathy and understanding across social and political divides. Evolving from a commitment to actively nurture the multinational Zayed University community, students and employees are invited to participate in free Arabic language courses. The goal of the elective courses is for students, faculty, and staff to engage in high-quality instruction and experiences to increase their Arabic language proficiency to attain personal, professional, or academic goals. The ZAI Arabic Language Research Center offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced level courses that integrate functional literacy skills and meaningful cultural content to native and non-native speakers. Students receive frequent and detailed feedback on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills at all levels. Courses consider students’ interests, expectations, needs, and reasons for study. The ZAI Center believes that those who have a choice in what and how they learn are better motivated.