Konstantinos Syriopoulos
Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator
Ph.D. in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics, Aix-Marseille University, 1988 (France).
Master’s degree in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics Aix-Marseille University, 1985 (France).
Master’s degree in Finance from Middlesex University, 2002 (UK).
B.Sc. degree in Economics, 1983 (University of Piraeus, Greece).
Finance, Artificial Intelligence, Time Series Analysis, Econometrics, FinTech
2015 to date, Professor of Finance, College of Business (COB), Zayed University, Abu Dhabi (U.A.E.)
8/2015-1/2016, Discipline Leader in Finance and Economics (COB)
1/2016-1/2017, Acting Dean of the College of Business at Zayed University
1/2017-8/2017, Associate Dean of the College of Business at Zayed University
2004-2019, Professor of Financial Econometrics, University of Patras, Department of Business Administration (Greece)
2013-2015, Chairman of the Department of Business Administration and Member of the University Senate, University of Patras (Greece)
Director of Graduate and Doctoral Studies of the Department of Business Administration at the University of Patras (Greece)
1999-2016, Director of Master Program in “Banking and Risk Management”, at the Hellenic Open University (Greece)
1996-2004, Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Macedonia, Department of Economics (Greece)
1995-1996, Visiting Professor of Financial Econometrics at the University of Montpellier I, Department of Economic Science (France)
1991-1995, Lecturer Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Macedonia, Department of Economics (Greece)
1997-2000, General Director at the Hellenic Capital Market Authority (1997-2000)
2000-2004, Chief Investment Manager and General Director in the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization Public Pension Fund (2000-2004, 1 billion euros under management)
1997-2002, Bank of Greece (various committees)
2004-2005, EU-Key Expert in Risk Management at the National Bank of Slovakia, Advisor to the Governor
2005-2006, Union Bank of Africa, Advisor for the development of Custodian Services, Lagos, Nigeria
2017-2020, Member of the Steering Committee of the Arab Monetary Fund (Abu Dhabi, UAE) for the Growth in the Arab Region
2006-to date, Elected Member and Vice Executive Chairman of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA), (Greece)
2019-to date, Co-Editor of the Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Elsevier, Scopus, ABDC: B
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Economic Asymmetries, International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management, Bulletin of Applied Economics, Journal of Risk & Control
Committee Member in several International Conferences
Gkillas, Konstantinos, Christoforos Konstantatos, and Costas Siriopoulos (2021). Uncertainty Due to Infectious Diseases and Stock–Bond Correlation. Econometrics, 9: 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/ econometrics9020017
Gkillas, K., C. Konstantatos, A. Tsagkanos, C. Siriopoulos (2021). Do economic news releases affect tail risk? Evidence from an emerging market, Finance Research Letters, Volume 40, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S154461232030297X
Fassas, A., C. Siriopoulos (2021). Implied volatility indices–A review, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 79, pp. 303-329, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1062976920300855
Siriopoulos, Costas; Svingou, Argyro; and Dandu, Jagadish (2021). "Lessons for Euro markets from the first wave of COVID-19". Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 18 (1), pp. 285-298 https://zuscholars.zu.ac.ae/works/4127
Papadamou, S., C. Siriopoulos, N. Kyriazis (2020). A survey of empirical findings on unconventional central bank policies, Journal of Economic Studies, 47(7), pp. 1533-1577, https://econpapers.repec.org/article/emejespps/jes-04-2019-0186.htm
Papadamou, S., C. Siriopoulos, N. Kyriazis (2020). A survey of empirical findings on unconventional central bank policies, Journal of Economic Studies, 47(7), pp. 1533-1577, https://econpapers.repec.org/article/emejespps/jes-04-2019-0186.htm
Gkillas, A Tsagkanos, A Svingou, C Siriopoulos (2020). Uncertainty in Euro area and the bond spreads Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 537, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378437119315109
Evgenidis, Stephanos Papadamou, Costas Siriopoulos (2020). The yield spread's ability to forecast economic activity: What have we learned after 30 years of studies?, Journal of Business Research, 106, pp. 221-232, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0148296318304272
Evgenidis, A., D. Philippas, and C. Siriopoulos (2019), “Heterogeneous effects in the international transmission of the US monetary policy: a factor-augmented VAR perspective”, Empirical Economics, 56(5), pp 1549–1579. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00181-018-1448-1
Fassas, A., C Siriopoulos (2019). Intraday price discovery and volatility spillovers in an emerging market, International Review of Economics & Finance, 59, pp. 333-346. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1059056018302818
Citation of Excellence: "Three Star" Highest Quality Rating (U.S.A.) from the international organization “Anbar Electronic Intelligence-MCB University Press” for my paper "Testing the convergence hypothesis for Greece", Managerial and Decision Economics, 18(5), August 1997: "congratulations and international recognition of this outstanding contribution to the literature and body of knowledge".
Best Paper Award, from The Clute Institute for Academic Research (U.S.A.) for my paper «Learning Styles Changes and their Relationship to Critical Thinking Skills”, presented in “The 2006 European Applied Business Research Conference (EABR)”, Siena, Italy, 2006.
FIN 630 Corporate Finance
FIN 633 Statistics and Quantitative Methods for Finance
FIN 633 Statistics and Quantitative Methods for Finance
FIN 630 Corporate Finance