Zayed University is committed to graduate student involvement in fostering a quality academic environment by meaningful participation in university governance. Graduate students are represented through elected members of the Graduate Student Council (GSC) and the Graduate Council (GC). GSC meetings are held no less than once each month during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Why You Should Get Involved

From Fall 2021, the GSC will serve as the main support organization and the official voice for graduate students to advocate for student needs and interest at all levels.

The charges for the GSC is as follow:

  • Act as the official support council for all graduate students from the different Colleges which offer graduate programs.

  • Officially represent graduate student interests in university governance.

  • Act as a liaison between graduate students, faculty and the University administration, ensuring that graduate students’ collective ideas, interests and issues of mutual concerns are heard, information is distributed, and graduate student success is promoted.

  • Provide advice and support to the Deanship of Graduate Studies with regards to professional development opportunities for graduate students.

  • Contribute towards fulfilling Zayed University’s goal of becoming a national research university by promoting and supporting academic research.

  • Allocate and oversee fund distributions that best serve graduate student's needs by supporting graduate research and planning graduate student-led events and social activities for graduate students.

  • Assist the University administration in fostering a quality academic environment.

  • Represent graduate students in the community and facilitate the continued role of Zayed University graduate students in the community and beyond.


All graduate students are given the opportunity to become a candidate for GSC membership. The GSC is made up of a chair and members. Membership consists of one (1) representative elected/appointed from each graduate program offered by all Colleges. No single member will be serving as the representative for more than one program. The Dean, Graduate Studies will appoint the chair and members for one academic year.

The duties of the Chair shall be as follow:

  • To serve as the chief executive officer of the GSC.

  • To serve as the official spokesperson and primary point of contact for the GSC.

  • To serve as the primary liaison between GSC, faculty and University administration.

  • To schedule and preside (or appoint someone to preside) over GSC meetings.

  • To oversee the preparation of the GSC annual budget and submit it to the Deanship of Graduate Studies by the deadline set forth for approval.

  • To serve as a signatory on GSC financial matters to present to the Dean, Graduate Studies for final approval.

  • To deliver proposals and reports on GSC grants and activities when requested to do so, i.e. Graduate Council meetings.

  • To actively promote graduate student-led events and social activities for graduate students.

  • To manage content creation for the GSC website ensuring content remains up to date and relevant.

  • To ensure that all University committees requiring graduate student representatives are appropriately staffed with respect to their requirements for participation.

  • To serve as a Student Representative on the Graduate Council.

Call for Graduate Student Nominations

Candidates interested in running for seats on the GSC must submit a completed online self-nomination form with a personal statement and forward a copy of their curriculam vitae by email to The final group of candidates to stand for election will be selected from the pool of nominees by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

To nominate yourself for the GSC, please complete the self-nomination form. The deadline to submit nominations for the academic year 2025-2026 will be announced in due couse.

Contact Us

For details about the GSC or the nomination process, please contact the Deanship of Graduate Studies at +971-2-599-3605 /

We look forward to receiving your nomination for the available seats on the GSC.

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