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Job Hunting Strategies
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Study Abroad
Career Counseling
For Graduates
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Welcome Students!

Welcome to your Career Services Site. Our various units work as a team so students receive "one-stop-shop" services before and after they graduate from ZU. As a ZU student and graduate, we help you choose a career direction, research career information, prepare you for the job market and find relevant employment during and after your studies with Zayed University. Our Alumnae Services will also help you to stay connected with Zayed University after you graduate.

Our spectrum of services include the following:       

Internship Opportunities
We collaborate with the university's colleges to assist final year students find an internship in their field by targeting and contacting various employers on their behalf.

World Of Work (WOW) Summer Employment Program
Available WOW summer work on-campus and off-campus is available each year at the end of spring semester. Interested students should register and complete the WOW training program to be eligible to work during summer.

On-Campus Student Employment Program
We offer students the opportunity to work on campus with the various ZU departments and colleges. Job openings are sorted by department/college and are posted in the Career Resource Center, Administration Building in Dubai, and Building Z in Abu Dhabi.

Job Board
Job boards with job postings for Graduate Employment, WOW opportunities and On Campus openings are posted in the Career Resource Center, Administration Building in Dubai, and Building Z in Abu Dhabi Library.

Recruitment Fairs
We organize Recruitment Fairs on campus where we invite our list of potential companies to recruit our graduating students. Check our Calendar of Events for the next recruitment fair schedule.

Outreach to Employers
We are constantly in contact with employers through networking events representing Zayed University students. We solicit employers in order to increase our bank of graduate, summer and internship opportunities. You can always find us in any national career fair and we also collaborate with Tanmia and other organizations to promote our students in the national domain.

We offer interactive workshops that cover career decision-making, job search strategies, resume writing, networking, and job interviews skills. We are always available to conduct workshops or presentations adapted to meet the needs of specific student groups. Check our Calendar of Events for more information.

One-on-One Career Counseling
Get personalized assistance in preparing your resumes and cover letters, choosing your studies major, deciding upon a career path, dealing with interviews, job search strategies, and any career-related issue. Our staff will answer your common career and interview questions geared specifically to your target area of employment. We will provide useful feedback and suggest ways to improve your performance. 

Career Resource Center
Drop by our Career Resource Center's computer lab and get help in identifying your skills and interests with available interest assessment software. We have PCs loaded with Type Focus and Career Cruising career assessment software, Explorer and Word, not to mention a library full of occupational information, company data, job search help books, and study-abroad information. You will also find a large worktable with comfortable chairs, brochures, flyers, magazines and newspapers listing career-related articles for your perusal.


