The Alumnae Office provides something for all Zayed University graduates. We, Zayed University’s Alumnae Relations Coordinators, hope that graduates continue to stay connected to Zayed University by participating in programs and services offered through the Alumnae Association. ZU alumnae are ambassadors of the University and we are committed to providing graduates with the tools they need to succeed in their chosen paths. We look forward to providing programs that support all graduates throughout their post-graduate years.
You were a student for a while, but you'll be a graduate forever! Please click on the options below to learn what Zayed University offers graduates. For more information, and to stay connected, please contact the Alumnae Relations office.
Monthly E-newsletter
Alumnae Association & Board (positions Available for ALL graduates)
Life-long ZU Alumnae Email Address
Alumnae ID Card (privilege card)
Graduate Study Assistance & Scholarships
Mentoring Program
Volunteer Opportunities
Monthly E-newsletter
Each month graduates receive an e-newsletter (E Connection! Dxb) from the Alumnae Relations office delivered straight to their email inbox. This is ZU's main communication piece to graduates. There is always loads of useful information on graduate study opportunities, an Alumnae Association update, invitations to campus events, volunteer opportunities, job search assistance, professional development opportunities, graduation details, new programs & services for graduates and more!! You can check out this month’s issue using the links found at the top of this page.
Alumnae Association & Board
The more involvement there is by graduates, the more activities and events there will be! Do you know that Zayed University graduates automatically become member of the ZU Alumnae Association? The Alumnae Association is represented by an official board - like a "student council" for graduates. ZU is concerned about its graduates. The University believes that one of the most effective ways to help its graduates is to provide them assistance from those who know them best; their fellow graduates! The Board was created to address the specific needs of each class (2002, 2003, 2004 and now 2005!) and each college. Have a say in programs for graduates by volunteering on the Alumnae Association Board. Graduates can learn more about the Board and how to apply here or by contacting their campus’ Alumnae Relations Coordinator.
Life-long ZU Alumnae Email Address
Shortly after leaving Zayed University graduates receive a notice telling them about their new permanent ZU alumnae email address. It's a great way for graduates to keep in touch with their friends from ZU and employers can be sure to reach job searching graduates for years to come. Graduates are notified by email lots of time in advance to make the switch to their new @alumnae.zu.ac.ae accounts.
Alumnae ID Card
ZU graduates receive an Alumnae ID card. This card is attached to three very special benefits; Campus Access, Library Privileges, and Vendor Discounts! Cards may be picked up in the Alumnae Relations office. Your campus’ Alumnae Relations Coordinator looks forward to meeting you! The list of current vendors who offer discounts can be viewed here. Graduates should inform their Alumnae Relations Coordinator if there are stores and/or restaurants they’d like to be added to the list.
Grad Study Assistance & Scholarships
Some graduates may wish to continue their studies after graduating from ZU. If so, the Alumnae Relations office can help graduates understand what graduate studies is and what they need to do to make it happen. The Alumnae Relations office also has information on some fantastic scholarship opportunities to fund ZU graduates’ studies, whether locally or internationally. Furthermore, ZU often has visits from embassies and schools with information on their programs.
Mentoring Program
The ZU Alumnae Mentoring Program hopes to create an opportunity for graduates to exchange ideas and receive feedback from female role models in the Emirates who can contribute to graduates’ self-development. Each graduate will be matched with a mentor based on their interests, their experience and other similarities. Graduates will create a personal development plan, attend workshops to help them achieve their personal goals, and learn tips from their mentors along the way. If you are interested in participating in this worthwhile program please contact your Alumnae Relations Coordinator to receive an information packet and application form.
Spring Reunion Party
All graduates are invited to a party next spring! It will be held the same month as next graduation ceremony (the date hasn't been announced yet). This event will be sponsored by the Alumnae Association Board and external sponsors. It won't happen unless graduates are willing to actively participate in the planning. Contact the Alumnae Relations Coordinator if you are a graduate who would like to join the Spring Reunion Party planning committee.
Volunteer Opportunities
Would you like to volunteer? If so, please contact your Alumnae Relations Coordinator.
- Alumnae Association Board
- Spring Party Planning Committee
- Achievers Magazine Volunteer
- Guest Speaker for future events & activities
- Interviews with local newspapers
- Video or photo requests
For more information, and to stay connected, contact our Alumnae Office
Abu Dhabi:
Y-Building, Student Services
Phone: 02 4079 824
Administration Building
Ayesha Ebrahim
Phone: 04 4021539 539 |