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Infoasis Tutorial Developers |
The original Infoasis tutorial content was primarily developed by Carol Hansen, Fiona Hunt, Janet Martin, Mary-Sengati Zimba, Jane Birks and Daphne Selbert, all of Zayed University (ZU). Please see the Credits and Acknowledgments page for details on other sources of content used in developing this course. At the time of developing this course:
- Jane Birks is a librarian at Zayed University who has a keen interest in information literacy and has been involved in the integration of information literacy into many courses at ZU. She is an experienced librarian and teacher and has also co-authored a book Hands-on Information Literacy Activities which is full of practical teaching ideas to support information literacy instruction. She also has a Masters in Education from University of Southern Queensland where she majored in online learning.
- Carol Hansen is Library Supervisor at the Abu Dhabi Campus of Zayed University in the United Arab Emirates. Carol received her Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Southern California. She regularly teaches national and international workshops on information literacy assesment and is a faculty member for ACRL's Institute for Information Literacy immersion program. Her most recent article, coauthored with Shaun Jackson and Lauren Fowler in Research Strategies, focuses on using selected assessment data to build campus partnerships for information literacy.
- Fiona Hunt is a Reference Instructional Librarian at Zayed University. She received her Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Fiona was a key player in the initial establishment of Information Literacy at Zayed University. She continued with her interest in teaching and Information Literacy. She is a co- author of Hands-on Information Literacy Activities.
- Janet Martin is a librarian at Zayed University, assuming responsibility for library web development and management for several years. She has been teaching information literacy for many years in Australia and in the UAE. As well as librarianship and management qualifications, she has a Masters in Education from the University of Southern Queensland. Janet has been involved in several research projects related to IL, and has undertaken numerous conference presentations and published articles, including "Online Information Literacy in an Arabian Context". Further research is currently ongoing to analyse factors affecting student use (or non-use) of Infoasis.
- Mary Sengati-Zimba is a reference instructional librarian at the Abu Dhabi campus, with many years of experience in public services librarianship in academic libraries. She has worked in Australia and Tanzania. Mary has a Doctorate from the University of New England in Australia, A Graduate Diploma and a Masters in Library Studies from the University of South Australia. Mary developed an interst in information literacy in the early 80s and compeleted a masters dissertation on "An examination of user education programmes in Tanzanian academic libraries ".
- Daphne Selbert is the Library Supervisor at the Dubai Campus of Zayed University. Daphne received her Masters in Library Science at the University of Hawaii and is involved in course integrated teaching information literacy at various skill levels at Zayed University.